Camera modification and Scope mount maintenance

- nobuo @

IR/UV filter removal for the EOS Rebel XSI (450D or KISS X2)

Disassembly and Regreasing of the German Equaitorial Mount Sirius EQ-G

M1 Crab Nebula

- nobuo @

Happy New Year! 2013


M1 Crab Nebula, only 6,523 light years from Earth, Supernova Remnants (超新星爆発の残骸)
12/31/2012 from Sunnyvale
Vixen VC200L with reducer (combined FL is @1200mm) with EOS Rebel XSI (450D or Kiss X2), self-modified
ISO1600, 3 min.x 15 frames, 10 darks and 10 flats
on Sirius EQ-G, guided with Meade DSI Color Pro with PHD guiding and
controlled with EQMOD, stacked by DSS,
image-processed by Photoshop CS5, Noise Ninja

23 queries. 0.008 sec.
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