Two photos of the Rosette Nebula バラ星雲
LPS P2 filter with additional Lumcon H-Alpha filter
Sigma Telephoto Zoom Lens of 150-500mm FL at 500mm
Canon EOS Rebel T3, self modded,
ISO3200, Exposure time 2 minutes,
27 lighs, and 20 darks and flats each,
Lumicon H-Alpha filter with IDAS IPS P2 filter, combined together, used as a semi-narrow band filter.
The transmission wave length is between 635 nm and 680nm , roughly 45nm band width at the half peak. Note the H-Alpha peak is 656 nm.
Please refer to
for LPS P2 and
for Lumicon H-Alpha pass filter (this filter is a low pass filter, not a band pass filter).
The star images were superimposed with the shots (45 seconds exposure frames) taken without the Lumicon filter
LPS P2 filter only
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