Youtube video of the solar eclipse (click here)
Post to [digital_astro]
I live in the San Francisco Bay Area and was too lazy to go to North for watching the true annular eclipse. Well, I tried to do something unique. This Youtube video shows what I did. In this eclipse, a rather rare occurrence in our area is that the end of the eclipse turns into an Earth event, Sunset. I tried to come up with a video that shows two events continuously. 1~2 degree view angle is fine with the eclipse and probably at least 10~20 degree is preferable for the Sunset. I tried to make the transition. So, this video covers two events, the peak of the eclipse and the Sunset with the landscape.
My telephoto camera lens is Sigma zoom of 150-500mm. At 1000mm FL with 2x extender, the eclipse was photographed (ISO100 and 1/200 second exposure). When the trees started shadowing the Sun, the solar filter (Astrozap) was removed, FL was gradually reduced, shutter speed was adjusted. The extender was removed at some point and the F-value was increased too. Note I cannot adjust F-value with the 2X extender. I wish I had a pro’s TV camera, probably costing more than 100 k dollars.
Camera: Canon EOS T1i used at 10 second interval, creating nearly thousand jpg files.
Mount: Sirius EQ-G
Post to Mixi
シグマズームと2Xエクステンダーで300mm−1000mmの可変焦点、カメラはEOS KISS X3を使用、Baader Solar Filter装着で、ISOー100、1/200秒から、サンセット直後にFilterを取り、露出を1/4000秒から1/40秒に連続的に上げ、焦点距離を 1000mmから150mmまで連続下降(写真参照)。写真2と3はお隣の芝生に写った日食の影と車のドアーに写したピンホール写真。人間の目がすばらしのを実感。