Comparing raw and tiff file processings in DeepskyStacker

- nobuo @

Left: raw processing and right: tiff processing
Compared are autosave01.tif, generated by stacking. Note that Luminance line in DSS is adjusted so that
the line is reasonably diagnal and starts climbing up at the left side of the skirt of the intensity peak.

Top: raw processing, bottom: tiff processing

Raw processed photo of IC405

DPP-tiff processed

Post Processing of astrophotos 天体 画像処理(トーンカーブの利用)

- nobuo @

click to expand クリックして拡大

Note: Why do we increase the color saturation? どうして 色の飽和を上げて色を出そうとするのか?
The increase of color saturation is attempted because the real color saturation was reduced due to the tone curve manipulation. In our case, we have two problems. First, when the RGB peaks are made close to each other, the saturation is altered. For example, if the night sky has a strong red component, reducing this component results in reducing the red color of the objects; stars and nebulae. Note the color of the stars is not altered by the red glow of the night sky. In addition, the effect of the background light is negated by moving the left most point of the tone curve. This is equivalent to reducing the intensity by proportionally lowering the intensity. A proper processing needs to eliminate the intensity by subtraction while maintaining the degree of color saturation.

IC405 The Flaming Star Nebula まがたま星雲

- nobuo @

Emission/Reflection Nebula, being bombarded by the UV light by AE Aurigae, the brightest star in this photo. AE Aurigae was originated near or at the Orion M42 and is passing now through IC405. Refer to:
Wikipedia IC405
for detail.
1/14 and 15th 2013 from Sunnyvale, CA USA
Same Vixen VC200L scope and EOS Rebel T3 (1100D or Kiss X50)
33 light frames at ISO 3200 and 90 seconds Exposure, 20 flats and 20 dark.
The dark noise (red noise) of T3 is less than half of the noises of XSI(Kiss X2) and T1i(Kiss X3).
This is very impressive improvement. It appears Canon had a mini break-through in reducing the defects mainly on the interface of oxides and Silicon of their CMOS.
The following is one of the original unprocessed frames. Note that in EOS T3, two filters, one for low pass and another for IR/UV cutoff, are in a single frame. When the IR/UV filter is cut out, a great care needs to be taken not to contaminate the surface of the low pass filter or it needs to be cleaned. Currently the back surface of the low pass filter is very dusty, needing multiple shifts in the framing while shooting.


- nobuo @

1/2 and 1/3/2013 from Sunnyvale CA USA

1st day: 5 min. x 9 frames and 3 min. x 5 frames
2nd day: 3min. x 25 frames

One of original frames 現画像の例

NGC 281 Pacman Nebula パックマン星雲

- nobuo @

3min. x 20 frames and 5min. x 5 frames, totaling 1 hour and 25 minutes

Camera modification and Scope mount maintenance

- nobuo @

IR/UV filter removal for the EOS Rebel XSI (450D or KISS X2)

Disassembly and Regreasing of the German Equaitorial Mount Sirius EQ-G

M1 Crab Nebula

- nobuo @

Happy New Year! 2013


M1 Crab Nebula, only 6,523 light years from Earth, Supernova Remnants (超新星爆発の残骸)
12/31/2012 from Sunnyvale
Vixen VC200L with reducer (combined FL is @1200mm) with EOS Rebel XSI (450D or Kiss X2), self-modified
ISO1600, 3 min.x 15 frames, 10 darks and 10 flats
on Sirius EQ-G, guided with Meade DSI Color Pro with PHD guiding and
controlled with EQMOD, stacked by DSS,
image-processed by Photoshop CS5, Noise Ninja

33 queries. 0.027 sec.
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