| M51, M27, M63 and NGC6384 nobuour 2018-7-29 23:55 2195 0
7/7~7/19 2018 with 30cm Newtonian F5 and ZWO ASI 294 PRO COOL Exposure 15 sec/frame, Total cumulative exp. 30~60 minutes
| IC 342 intermediate spiral galaxy in the constellation Camelopardalis nobuour 2016-12-6 6:45 1571 0
from Sunnyvale CA on 2016/12/4~5 Type: SAB(rs)cd Orion 10 inch Austrograph of 1000mm FL 27 frames (ISO: 800) - total exposure: 27 mn 0 s Dark: 10 frames (ISO : 800) exposure: 1 mn 0 s Dark Flat: 10 frames (ISO : 1600) exposure: 30 s Flat: 10 frames (ISO: 1600) exposure: 30 s 9 frames (ISO: 800) - total exposure: 18 mg step 2 ->n 0 s Dark: Dark: 10 frames (ISO : 800) exposure: 2 mn 0 s Dark Flat: same Flat: same |
| IC 348 Nebula, star forming region in the constellation Perseus nobuour 2016-12-6 6:31 1505 0
from Sunnyvale CA on 2016/12/2~3 VC200L at 1240mm with reducer EOS 6D 116 frames (ISO: 1600) - 3 hr 52 mn 0 s Dark: 35 frames (ISO : 1600) exposure: 2 mn 0 s Dark Flat: 15 frames (ISO : 1600) exposure: 1/49 s Flat: 20 frames (ISO: 1600) exposure: 1/49 s |
| nobuour 2016-12-6 6:08 5699 0
NGC 147 and 185 are irregular galaxies associated with M31 From Sunnyvale CA VC200L, guided with 400mm Tube and Meade DSI PRO II on CGEM, Camera: EOS 6D 33 frames (ISO: 3200) 1 hr 6mn 0s Dark: 14 frames (ISO : 3200) 2 mn 0 s Dark Flat: 15 frames (ISO : 3200) 1/790 s Flat: 19 frames (ISO: 3200) 1/790 s
| NGC 6951 nobuour 2016-11-5 18:53 1471 0
| nobuour 2016-10-7 7:25 1460 0
| nobuour 2015-11-24 4:32 1454 0
| nobuour 2015-11-6 19:33 1474 0
11/6/2015, from Sunnyvale CA Orion 11 inch Astrograph 1 min x 30 subs Darks 15, Flats and Dark-Flats 20 and 20. EOS XSi with IDAS LPS-P2 on CGEM
| Several Galaxies belonging to the Local Galactic Group nobuour 2015-10-31 7:25 1911 0
| nobuour 2015-10-9 6:41 1748 0
from Sunnyvale CA 2015/10/5~7 VC200L at 1800mmFl + EOS XSi ISO1600, 4.5 hour exposure at 3 min/sub
| IC10 Image Comparison (0.2m Cassegrein, 4m Ritchey Chretien, 8.2 m Scope) nobuour 2015-9-27 6:12 1505 0
| nobuour 2015-9-25 7:12 1632 0
Shot from Sunnyvale California USA on 9/21~22/2015 Scope and Camera: Vixen VC200L 1800mm FL + EOS Rebel XSI IR- modified 5 hours 45 minutes cumulative exposure at ISO1600 and 3 min/sub, guided with 400mm scope with Meade DSI Pro II, stacked with DSS with 2X Drizzle, camera control and dithering with PHD2 and ImagePlus 5.75, processed with PS CS5, Noise Ninja, Starshrink
---------------------------------------------- IC10, in the constellation Cassiopeia, belongs to the Local Group Galaxies, comprising of Andromeda Galaxy M31, Triangulum Galaxy M33, our Milkyway Galaxy, Large Magellanic Cloud, Small Magellanic Cloud, etc.
| M17 Omega Nebula nobuour 2015-9-11 6:52 1337 0
Merging two shots, one taken on July 2010 ( ISO 3200 1.5 min x few subs) and another on August 2015 (ISO1600 3 min x 2 subs). A luminance image is created from both the 2010 and the 2015 images. The RGB image is generated out of the 2015 shots.
| NGC6888 nobuour 2015-8-23 21:05 1378 0
8/22/2015 from Sunnyvale CA VC200L 1800mmFL,EOS REBEL XSi ISO1600 3min x 17 subs
| NGC6820 and NGC6823 nobuour 2015-8-13 6:32 1299 0
NGC 6820 is an emission nebula that surrounds open cluster NGC 6823 in Vulpecula, near M27, the Dumbbell Nebula. The nebula NGC 6820 is also called Sharpless catalog Sh 2-86. Light 3MinX28Subs
| nobuour 2015-8-13 6:20 1329 0
| NGC5846-5850 nobuour 2015-8-13 6:14 1429 0
| M16 nobuour 2015-6-27 12:17 1428 0
from Sunnyvale CA, 6/27/2015 VC200L+Reducer and EOS Rebel XSi 3 min x 10 subs, 30 dark, 20 flat, 20 flat-dark superimposed with the shot taken in 2011 from Santa Cruz Maintain area: 1 min x 10 subs, 20 dark and 20 flat
| M51 nobuour 2015-6-25 5:45 2297 0
from Sunnyvale CA USA on 7/10~11/2015 VC200L+reducerand EOS XS2 3 min x 64 subs = 3 hours 12 minutes 30 dark 20 flat 20 flat dark 2X Drizzle
| NGC5033 nobuour 2015-6-25 5:39 1341 0
VC200L+Reducer EOS KISS X2 1.5 min exposure, 136 subs, 30 dark and 20 flat, 20 flat dark 6/23/2015 from Sunnyvale CA USA
| NGC2392 Eskimo Nebula nobuour 2015-2-19 17:23 1526 0
VC200L 1800mm FL and EOS XSI at ISO1600 10 darks and 15 lights 3min x 10 subs |
| NGC2903 nobuour 2015-2-16 7:09 1508 0
VC200L 1800mm FL and EOS XSI at ISO1600 10 darks and 15 flats 3min x 200 subs |
| NGC1514 Planetary Nebula nobuour 2015-2-16 6:46 1949 0
| NGC2841 nobuour 2015-2-16 6:43 1376 0
VC200L 1800mm FL and EOS XSI at ISO1600 10 darks and 15 flats 3min x 60 subs |
| IC342 nobuour 2015-1-24 20:18 1370 0
| M74 nobuour 2014-11-28 6:14 1396 0
VC200L+reducer EOS XSi 2minx45,ISO1600 |
| NGC7217 in the Constellation Pegusus nobuour 2014-11-28 4:51 1421 0
| NGC7814 in the Constellation Pegasus nobuour 2014-11-28 4:48 1360 0
| NGC 7026 Planetary Nebula nobuour 2014-10-30 4:58 1301 0
from Sunnyvale CA USA 10/29/2014 1min x 40 + 3min x 5 sub-frames, dark and flat Vc200L w/o reducer (F/9 FL 1800) ISO1600 EOS KISS X2 (XSi) NGC 7026 is a planetary nebula located 6000 light years away, in the constellation of Cygnus. from Wikipedia |
| NGC 6503 in Draco nobuour 2014-10-30 4:51 1670 0
from Sunnyvale CA USA 3min x 30sub-frames, dark and flat Vc200L with reducer (F/6.3 FL 1260mm) EOS KISS X2 (XSi) NGC 6503 is a dwarf spiral galaxy located in a region of space called the Local Void. It spans 30,000 light-years and lies approximately 17 million light-years away in the constellation of Draco (the Dragon). from Wikipedia
| nobuour 2014-10-28 8:30 1342 0
| NGC 6822 nobuour 2014-7-8 18:05 1341 0
Barnard Galaxy 5 min x 20 subs
| NGC 5921 nobuour 2014-7-8 18:03 1284 0
| NGC 7023 nobuour 2014-7-8 18:01 1281 0
Iris Nebula 5 min x 13 subs |
| nobuour 2014-7-8 17:56 1514 0
VC200L at 1800mm FL, EOS REBEL XSI ISO1600 3min x 19 subs 7/4/2014 Sunnyvale CA |
| NGC 5248 nobuour 2014-7-2 1:05 1233 0
same gadgets as being used for M20 1.5 min x 40 subs |
| The Cocoon Galaxy (NGC 4490) and NGC4485 nobuour 2014-5-28 7:03 1680 0
| NGC1499 California Nebula nobuour 2014-2-5 19:32 1424 0
Rokinon 85mm F/1.4 with EOS Rebel T3 on fixed tripod (NO EQ Mount) F/1.4 ISO800, 11 seconds x 20 subframes 2/3/2014 |
| Orion Region nobuour 2014-2-5 19:28 2166 0
Rokinon 85mm F/1.4 with EOS Rebel T3 on fixed tripod (NO EQ Mount) F/1.4 ISO3200, 3 seconds x 200 subframes 2/3/2014 from Sunnyvale CA USA |
| M82 and supernova SN2013J nobuour 2014-1-25 2:01 1545 0
| nobuour 2013-12-30 4:56 1189 0
Sigma Zoom 150-500mm at 500mm, EOS Rebel T3,ISO3200, 90 seconds, 40 frames 12/30/2013 Sunnyvale CA |
| NGC7538 nobuour 2013-12-30 4:49 1041 0
VC200L EOS REBEL T3, ISO3200, 2 minutes, 30 frames, 12/20/2013 Sunnyvale CA |
| nobuour 2013-12-30 2:48 1063 0
| NGC 7380 Wizard Nebula nobuour 2013-8-1 0:40 1346 0
| M94 nobuour 2013-8-1 0:38 1103 0
| Part of Virgo Cluster NGC4473(top),4461(down left),4458(down,right),4438,4435,4406,4402 nobuour 2013-8-1 0:34 1213 0
| nobuour 2013-8-1 0:26 1073 0
| nobuour 2013-7-4 1:50 1107 0
| nobuour 2013-6-6 20:55 1008 0
Same equipment as used for NGC 4038/39, 30 subframes of 3 min. exposure at ISO 1600, totaling 1.5 hours of exposure. |
| nobuour 2013-6-6 20:48 2130 0
| nobuour 2013-5-12 4:16 1353 0
| nobuour 2013-5-4 2:13 1017 0
5/3/2013 from Sunnyvale CA USA VC200L of 1800mm FL with a self modified EOS KISS X2 (XSI or 450D) with IDAS LPS-P2 filter, ISO1600 sub exposures of 180 seconds, 20 lights, 10 darks and 10 flats, processed with PS CS5, Noise Ninja and Olympus Background extraction |
| Barnard's Loop and the nebulae in the Orion Constellation nobuour 2013-3-15 5:42 1041 0
| H-alpha and RGB composite for the M42/NGC1977 image nobuour 2013-3-2 8:45 1167 0
The shots were made just for testing purpose! 3 min. x 8 frames at ISO3200 for H-alpha (poorman's H-alpha --- Lumicon H-alpha + IDAS LPF P2) 2 min. x 3 frames (IDAS only) same Sigma zomm (150-500mm) at 500mm. Regardng H-alpha and RGB composite, please refer to the method of 80/20/20 by Neil Heacock. http://tinyurl.com/7jqxzly |
| M42 Great Orion Nebula and NGC1977 Running Man Nebula nobuour 2013-3-2 7:08 1063 0
The Trapezium is seen at the center of M42. Gadgets: Sigma Telephoto lens 150-500mm at 500mm FL, with two EOSs, EOS Rebel XSI and T3, both modded, 0.5,2,4,8 minute exposures (4~8 frames each) at ISO1600 with XSI and Orion SkyGlow filter and, 2 min. x 25 frames at ISO3200 with EOS Rebel T3 with IDAS LPF P2 Note 8 minutes frames were discarded due to drift. The processing was not easy due to the difference in the transmission spectra between the Orion and the IDAS filters. |
| nobuour 2013-2-13 22:07 1007 0
| M77 and NGC1055 nobuour 2013-2-13 22:05 1018 0
| Rosette Nebula nobuour 2013-2-13 6:50 998 0
| NGC2237-9 Rosette Nebula nobuour 2013-2-13 6:39 1197 0
| NGC1333 nobuour 2013-2-13 6:15 933 0
Shooting this reflection/emission nebula was quite challenging. Dark clouds surround the nebula. VC200L+Vixen Reducer Canon EOS T3(KISS X50), self-modded ISO3200, 2 minutes exposure 59 light frames, 20 dark and flat frames each
| IC405 The Flaming Star Nebula nobuour 2013-1-15 1:37 1178 0
Emission/Reflection Nebula, being bombarded by the UV light by AE Aurigae, the brightest star in this photo. AE Aurigae was originated near or at the Orion M42 and is passing now through IC405. Refer to: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IC_405 for detail. 1/15/2013 from Sunnyvale, Same scopes and EOS Rebel T3 (1100D or Kiss X50) 33 light frames ISO 3200 and 90 seconds Exposure
APOD http://apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap031124.html |
| nobuour 2013-1-2 22:38 1266 0
1/2/2013 Subframes 1st day: 5 min. x 9 frames and 3 min. x 5 frames 2nd day: 3min. x25 frames
| NGC 281 Pacman Nebula nobuour 2013-1-2 19:35 1289 0
shooting gadgets are same as for M1 |
| M1 Crab Nebula 6523 light years from Earth nobuour 2013-1-1 4:50 1219 0
| IC1805 and 1848 nobuour 2012-10-28 8:51 1061 0
| Cassiopea Region nobuour 2012-10-22 6:52 1060 0
Double Cluster NGC844 and 869 (mosaicked) IC 1805 Heart Nebula and a part of IC 1848 Soul Nebula EOS Rebel T3, 150mm FL, 30 second Exp. 40 light frames
| M31 Andromeda Galaxy nobuour 2012-10-22 6:45 1156 0
M31 Andromeda Galaxy EOS T3 self modded 500mm FL Sigma Zoom ISO3200 90 seconds Exp. 30 lighs 9/26/2014 reprocessed |
| NGC6946 nobuour 2012-9-10 20:51 1296 0
| nobuour 2012-7-26 20:14 1045 0
| nobuour 2012-7-26 2:19 1067 0
VC200L + Reducerwith modded EOS Rebel T5(KISS X50) ISO3200 and 90 second exposure Around 50 frames are stacked. |
| nobuour 2012-7-24 12:03 1149 0
| NGC6559 nobuour 2012-7-22 6:24 1065 0
located at 1.4 degrees east of Lagoon Nebula |
| nobuour 2012-7-12 23:09 1148 0
From Sunnyvale CA (Silicon Valley) VC200L with Vixen Reducer (combined FL= @1260mm) and with EOS Rebel T3, IR-modified, on Sirius EQ-G mount, controlled by EQMOD. Guided with modified Tasco refractor, Meade DSI Pro camera and PHD guiding. The total exposure is 1-1/2 hour. At ISO3200 and Exposure of 90 seconds, 60 light frames were shot on July 10th and 11th. 40 and 40 shots were taken for dark and flat frames, stacked by DeepSkyStacker. |
| M83 nobuour 2012-6-24 18:21 1244 0
from Sunnyvale CA (Silicon Valley) on 4/29/2012 with Vixen VC200L with the Reducer on Orion Sirius EQ-G mount |
| nobuour 2012-6-24 4:53 1553 0
40 lights, 40 darks and 40 flats at 90 second exposure and ISO3200. VC200L and the IR Modified T3 on Sirius EQ-G, guided by a modified Tasco and PHD guiding, controlled by EQMOD, stacked with DeepSkyStacker, retouched with Photoshop CS5, Olympus Background Subtraction Toolkit Reprocessed on 4/5/2014 |
| NGC2403 nobuour 2012-6-23 18:51 1266 0
Shots from Sunnyvale CA (Silicon Valley) on 5/1 and 5/11 in 2012, with Vixen VC200L and its Reducer, on Orion Sirius EQ-G mount, guided by self modified Tasco refractor (500mm FL) and Meade DSI Pro 2, bu using PHD (software) 80 lights 70 darks and 30 flats at ISO3200 and 75 second exposure for the subframes, process with DeepSkyStacker, Phtoshop CS5, Noise Ninja and Olympus Background Extraction retouched on 3/15/2015 |
| M81 and M82 nobuour 2012-5-2 20:01 1193 0
from Sunnyvale CA (Silicon Valley) on 4/29/2012 with Vixen VC200L with the Reducer on Orion Sirius EQ-G mount, guided by self modified Tasco refractor (500mm) and Meade DSI Pro 2 20 lights 20 darks and 10 flats process with DeepSkyStacker, Phtoshop CS5, Noise Ninja and Olympus Background Extraction
| Center Area of M42 nobuour 2011-12-25 2:25 1320 0
3600mm FL using VC200L + 2X Extender (Sigma) Single shot at ISO3200 and 2 minutes exposure
| nobuour 2011-12-25 0:55 1877 0
Reprocessed on 11/28/2011 Sigma 150-500mm Zoom Lens EOS T1i ISO3200 ExpTime 45 seconds 10 lights, 10 darks, 10 flats updated with the photos taken at ISO3200, 2min. exposure, 20 lights, 20 darks, 10 flats on 12/24/2011 |
| nobuour 2011-12-25 0:42 1493 0
Location: Sunnyvale CA USA Date: 02/02/2011 M78 is seen at the top left corner. SigmaZoom 150-500mm at 150mm with Canon EOS T1i (Kiss X3), ISO3200, 75 seconds, 10lights, 10 dark and 10 flats, updated with the stack of the shot on 12/24/2011 with 20 lights, 20 darks and 10 flats at the same exposure time. |
| NGC1068 nobuour 2011-12-18 17:10 1133 0
| NGC7662 The Blue Snowball nobuour 2011-12-17 17:05 1175 0
| NGC7331 nobuour 2011-12-1 4:19 1221 0
NGC7331 was challenging to shoot from Sunnyvale, Silicon Valley. ISO1600 5x5min. 20x3min. ISO3200 30x2min., totaling about 2 and half hours exposure and corresponding dark frames. The third day, 12/1/2011, was quite windy, having distorted the star shapes. The equipment was same as before. |
| NGC253 Silver Coin Galaxy nobuour 2011-11-15 23:56 1707 0
| NGC6960 Supernova Remnants nobuour 2011-10-28 19:38 1539 0
Vixen VC200L+Reducer (1280mm FL), Canon EOS T1i, not modified. with Orion Skyglow filter ISO1600, 300 seconds, 19 lights,16 dark, 11 flats, guided by a Modified Tasco refractor (60mm Dia 500mm FL) and Meade DSI 2 C CCD and PHD, mounted on Sirius EQ-G controlled by ASEQMOD, stacked with DSS and processed with Photoshop CS5. Location: Light Polluted Silicon Valley, Sunnyvale CA USA
| NGC5866 nobuour 2011-10-27 16:04 1149 0
Edge on Galaxy, guessed as M102, which has been missing on the catalogue. photo, taked on 9/26/2011 in Sunnyvale, CA |
| nobuour 2011-10-11 17:13 1376 0
VC200L with Reducer and LP filter, taken from Sunnyvlae CA USA 9/30/2011 |
| NGC6781 nobuour 2011-10-11 1:57 1218 0
photographed on 8/31/2011 in Sunnyvale same VC200L and EOS T1i
| nobuour 2011-9-25 20:18 1278 0
| M27 nobuour 2011-9-19 1:19 1144 0
photographed on 9/18/2011 |
| nobuour 2011-8-7 7:58 1344 2
| nobuour 2011-8-7 0:24 1234 0
| nobuour 2011-8-6 23:27 1145 0
| nobuour 2011-8-2 1:23 1190 0
| nobuour 2011-7-7 6:29 1732 0
image update taken on 7/xx/2011 at a Santa Cruz Mountain area
ISO3200 66 seconds exposure 4 lights, 4 darks and 10 flats |
| M99 Galaxy nobuour 2011-5-2 12:56 1323 0
| Leo Trio nobuour 2011-4-29 1:03 1168 0
| nobuour 2011-2-4 23:59 1469 0
| nobuour 2011-1-29 9:14 1404 0
| Photo of Sigma Zoom 150-500mm Lens nobuour 2011-1-9 20:02 1378 2